You should not be encouraged into taking on credit for non-emergencies such as shopping, holidays or buying new clothes. These type of purchases are better suited to credit cards that charge a low rate of interest or no interest at all if you pay on time.
Our emergency cash loans provided by Badger Loans are designed to help you with a shortfall of cash, so that you can pay for your emergency quickly and pay off your loan as soon as you are back on your feet. Our loan products are not intended to be used for the long term or to resolve ongoing financial troubles.
How Do Repayments Work?
Customers can apply for emergency loans for a minimum of 3 months, repaid in equal monthly instalments. You can borrow for as long as 60 months or 5 years if you need extra breathing space, but this is often for longer-term purposes and not for emergencies.
If you are looking to borrow money quickly for an emergency, Badger Loans works with a panel of over 40 lenders and can match you with the lender most likely to approve your loan and in the quickest time possible.
We have spent years partnering with some of the most reputable and trusted lenders in the UK and have developed a system to match up customers with lenders based on their eligibility and loan requirements. What this means is that once you’ve been credit checked and credit scored which is done in a fraction of a second by our pingtree system your loan approval by our emergency lenders should result in a same day cash advance subject to all criteria being met.
We do not charge any upfront fees and never will. You will simply be matched with the best direct lender and subject to further checks, you can receive your emergency money within 1 hour or sooner if your bank accepts Faster Payments. We will not pass on your information to any other companies without your permission.
Will I have to be credit checked and scored to get an Emergency Cash Loan?
Prior to FCA regulation it was possible to be given a loan without being searched or scored but since 2015/6 no longer. Don’t do it! As stated, everyone bar no one must be credit checked prior to any funds being released.
Credit scoring usually comes as part of the package with a credit check but for the purposes of an emergency loan most lenders won’t pay too much attention to the results of a credit score when dealing with customers who may have had problems with credit prior to applying. What that means is that while your credit score is important and it’s always a good idea to try and keep it as high as possible, it doesn’t matter so much when applying for an emergency loan online.
What generally tends to happen these days and does happen here at Badger Loans is that in order to access an emergency online loan you will be what’s called ‘soft searched’ first once you have submitted your initial application via ourselves. This is an initial credit search against your name which does not appear on your credit file. It will be a fairly basic search which will give the prospective lender a general idea about your finances and the way you have conducted any previous loans or credit arrangements.
Once you have been approved for a short term loan by one of our lending panel the lender in question will then perform a hard search against your name and addresses which will appear on your credit file. This is an indicator to other lenders that you are looking for credit so it is important not to apply too many times in quick succession as it will have the effect of making you look like you’re trying to get finance everywhere and not succeeding and that’s a red light for lenders.
Examples of true emergencies are needing money to pay for your broken boiler repairs, fix your heating, plumbing problems or fixing up your car so that you can drive to work or take the kids to school.